Juice Cleanse Day 2

I didn't have any good photos to capture day two so you get this nice picture of a neat rock feature from my trip to Denver.

I will say I wasn't terribly excited about day two. Kicking off the morning with hot water and lemon juice isn't the most pleasant way to wake up but it does wake you up. The morning's juice was not nearly as tasty as day one, it was made of celery, cucumber, pear and spiralina powder. I guess apple tends to be sweeter which helped with yesterday. Fortunately, there was a lot less volume to drink closer to 16 oz of liquid.

I forgot to mention each mid morning we took milk thistle tincture in water with a chaser. This was suppose to be for healthy liver function. But I got a handful of walnuts and apples to help wash away the taste.

Lunch was pretty good the juice was made of pineapple, apple, fennel, ginger and aloe juice. I was a bit fearful of the licorice taste of fennel but there was no trace of the flavor and I really enjoyed the spicy ginger (I think we doubled up on the ginger to use it up). This juiced up to about 27oz per person. We had a mini picnic with our hummus and miso soup before we went shopping. I will admit at this point I was a bit cranky, my wife called it withdrawal from all the bad stuff we usually eat, I still think it was the fact I had to pass up swedish meatballs.

More water and lemon with some grapes and "mixed seeds" (pumpkin and sunflower).

Dinner was an interesting juice was made with carrots, sweet potato, apple and cucumber. I didn't know what to expect out of the sweet potato juice but it tasted pretty good, just a touch too carrot-y tasting for me. Another 27oz per person for this juice.

We had another salad with mixed greens, beets, beans and sprouts with our juice. No dressing specified this time so I just spritzed in some flaxseed oil and a bit of salt and pepper. I think we both preferred this over the "lemon dressing" from the day before.

And for our final "meal" we had a small juice of watermelon, cantaloupe, and cherries. I could not find any fresh cherries so I had to resort to frozen. The cherries provided the bulk of the sweetness which was cut by the watermelon and cantaloupe so it was a nice and tasty juice.

We ended the day with a mug of chamomile tea.

My impression:

  • I'd do this again just not next weekend. 
  • We spent a lot of time chopping and cleaning vegetables. 
  • I was never hungry, but I did have a lot of cravings. In fact most of the time I could not finish most of the meals or was forced to "power through it". 
  • The juices were far more tasty than I gave them credit for when I looked at all the recipes. 
  • Yes I'd recommend people trying this out

My take aways:

  • I think my wife and I plan on starting our day with a green juice.
  • I'm going to start my lunches or dinners with a large salad first with a simple "dressing" oil and salt and herbs. 
  • I suspect i'm probably not eating enough quality food meaning: being full is fine and ok as long as your have a larger percent of your intake being vegetables and micronutrients. 
  • I kind of like this chamomile tea especially to finish out the night

I had a good time experimenting with this. I think it's nice we've found a way to incorporate some new habits into our day to day. With a bit more practice I may go ahead and try out a week long juice fast but since holiday season is right around the corner it may have to wait for the new year.


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