Eating in a sack (or one for lunch please)
I wanted to make lunch but as luck would have it, the majority of my eaters are traveling for work or just plain not around. This of course doesn't mean I can't make lunch for my loving wife. I had her pick out some recipes and I got to work. Simple healthy lunch bagged up instead of boxed just due to the wrap being hard to shove into those bento boxes. First up we have a wrap with provolone, red bell pepper, marinated artichokes, and spinach. I had to slightly wilt the spinach as the wife's not a big fan of raw spinach. I was going to flavor the wrap with some sort of a sauce but since I went the marinated artichoke route I let them do the flavoring. Wraps have always been difficult for me in packaging. They tend to fall apart easily or become unrolled. I ended up wrapping the whole thing in parchment paper to survive delivery. It's worth remembering that normal tape does not stick to parchment paper. In retrospect that makes a ton of sense since parchment paper is sup...