
Showing posts from August, 2016

My Food Bag

So, a friend of mine had a free week to give away for me to try out My Food Bag . They are in both Australia and New Zealand I know there are similar services in the US.  The high level idea is that they deliver a box (or boxes) of groceries that have been pre-portioned and partially prepped with a series of recipes. It saves you a trip to the grocery store and simplifies meal preparation which is nice after a hard day at work. I really love the process, you pick your box type: classic, family, gourmet, or own (single diner) on the website, and they send you a mail and follow up text on when they will delivery and it just shows up. You get another email during the week to let you know the recipes so you can read through and buy any staples you might be out of. This box is four meals for two people (the different boxes feed different amounts). Disclaimer: this was provided free for me, but no one asked me to post anything, it's just my honest impression of the service...