Got a new kitchen gadget! I bought an indoor grill with some holdover gift certificate that

we had. I've always had a problem with grilling stuff. It's just too much effort to fire up the grill just to make something for one meal. You gotta clean it, you gotta fire it up etc. etc. Perfect solution: an indoor grill you can temperature control and fits on the counter! I couldn't help it, I had to build a whole bento around the fact I could grill on demand.

I found these amazingly huge sea scallops at the store. I couldn't help it I had to put something together. So a simple soy honey sea scallops grilled to perfection. I think it'll be interesting to hear back to see how well they re-heated. I tried to undercook just a touch so that the microwave wouldn't produce a tough chewy scallop. I think the right thing to do was to grill at the max setting, I would have gotten some better grill marks. Still yummy, just not as pretty as I would have hoped.

Had to add a bit of color and what better than some grilled asparagus. Easy enough, but I came across this recipe for a parsley sauce (similar to a chimichurri actually, just no cilantro). It provides that lemony hit that I would normally just squeeze on to finish. A little bit goes a long way here.

Yes light on the number of items this time around. This was actually the first side/dessert that caused me to 1) buy an indoor grill 2) center my theme around grilling. Drunken grilled pineapple. Basically, you're grilling a pineapple and glazing it with rum and brown sugar. Top it off with a bit of coconut and you have a proper Caribbean treat.
Mixed reviews on my grill I think it's a larger issue of not understanding how to gauge temperature and appropriate application towards my recipes. That just requires some time to get past it. The grill itself was super easy to use and clean which makes it perfect for those times I want to get a grilled steak or some kebabs.
Box Contents
- Soy honey grilled sea scallops
- Grilled asparagus with parsley sauce
- Drunken grilled pineapple with coconut