Preparation is king

Ok I'm sandbagging. I know there's one last bento post for the year. Aesthetically I think it is one of my better composed ones, but you'll have to wait for my grand finale. In the mean time, more insight into the pre-work I must do for the bentos. For each bento I prepare a menu list, recipe list and finally the "note from mom" that I detailed in the earlier post. From concept to execution, a bento from me requires quite a bit of thought. Most bento blogs help with creating meals from what's in the fridge, in my case, I have to carefully plan out a meal within budget and still execute in the space of one evening. Were I to rummage through the fridge I couldn't come up with anything I could stretch for so many people. My hope of course is my freezer with it's left over buliding blocks will help me out on costs (pesto, tomato sauce, chicken stock). In the meantime as you can see I have a small binder I've been adding to. Each bento is carefully considered with the food costs in mind, but i've collected all my recipes (and my modifications) . I try to cut corners where possible so I can afford to splurge in other bentos, but rest assured my eaters get their value. I've been encouraged to publish my bento collection. I'm still on the fence, but maybe one day, I mean I have the photos, so it's not a far cry to go to lulu or prescribe to the google ads, but this is still a hobby for me so no commercialization yet.

Welcome again to the laptop lunch folks, wow, so many hits over a couple of days. I hope you come back and see me, I love an audience. In the mean time, eat, drink and be happy!


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