Rules of engagement

Obviously I'm cooking for a crowd, and no I'm not independently wealthy. This brings to mind the few ground rules I set for my little adventure into Bento boxing:
  1. $6 per bento (on average). The idea is to keep the average price of a bento down to $6. This makes the meal still accessible while at the same time allowing me to be frugal on some meals to pay for that fillet minion on another
  2. Low Glycemic index: I wanted to try to keep to foods that have an even burn rate for my eaters. This is a new challenge for me as I'm usually one not care much about the health effects of my cooking. Basically foods having a low glycemic index take longer to break down thereby keeping your energy levels from spiking and crashing
  3. Portioning: Although the box i've chosen looks small, I've got to make sure for the $6 everyone has a satisfying lunch
  4. Make the menus interesting: if my eaters wanted PB&J they would have brought it themselves. This also gives me my chance to flex my culinary muscles again.
  5. Prepping and scaling: If I have to be up 2 hours earlier to prepare the food that morning then it's not going to work for me. Learning the art of prep-work, freezing, and corner cutting will be a fun lesson for me.
  6. The boxes have to be pretty: Yes, I'm a guy, and I said it, pretty. The art of bento boxes is just as important as their culinary content. Besides, I'm blogging this effort so that means I've got to make it photogenic
Ok I think those are it. I promise more pictures and bentos on the way. It's slow getting started.


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